Wounded Ronin
350 kB
Fallout Modding Center
Main features:
* I have replaced most of the Small Guns and Big Guns from Fallout 2 with real-world vintage firearms such as 1911s and RPKs. I am a big fan of the rugged power of vintage weapons and part of my purpose in creating this mod was to celebrate the idea that "they don't make them how they used to." I have also tried to make combat a little more realistic in spite of the hitpoint-driven style of Fallout
* Pistols and weapons chambered to fire pistol cartridges do less damage hit-for-hit than those which use shotgun shells or rifle cartridges.
* Burst fire ammo expenditure reflects two seconds of automatic fire when the game is dealing with a real world weapon.
* Most of the Small Guns and Big Guns in the game can be thought of in terms of the following categories: Pistols, Submachineguns, Carbines, Rifles, Shotguns and Machine Guns.
List of Weapons:
Old Weapon -> Replaced By
Pipe Rifle -> De Lisle carbine
10mm SMG -> M3A1 "Grease Gun"
10mm Pistol -> 1911
Minigun -> RPD
Rocket Launcher -> M20
Hunting Rifle -> Winchester Model 70
Deagle -> Winchester 1894 Trapper
14mm Pistol -> M1 Carbine
Assault Rifle -> AK 47
Frag Grenade -> mkII Pineapple
Sniper Rifle -> M1 Garand
5.56 Pistol -> M1941 Johnson Rifle (insert "Big Johnson" joke here)
Assault Shotgun -> Remington M870
HK CAWS -> Remington Model 1100
Tommy Gun -> PPsh-41
That weird version of the FNFAL which was better on full auto -> M14E2
P90 -> Sten Gun
Magnum Revolver -> Smith and Wesson Model 29
M3A1 "Grease Gun" -> PPS-43
Bozar -> M1C Sniper Rifle
FNFAL -> M14
G11 -> Mauser k98k
That futuristic assault rifle -> AKMSU
Jackhammer -> Winchester Model 1912
M249 -> BAR
Avenger Minigun -> RPK
G11E -> FG42-2 Paratroop Rifle
Vindicator Minigun -> MG42
Jesus Knife -> Japanese Imperial Army Katana
Other features:
* I've attempted to "fix" the problem with hollow points always being the best choice. I replaced "armor piercing" with "full metal jacket" and removed the half damage modifier while at the same time giving heavy penalties to hollow point rounds versus armor.
* I always felt that alcohol needed to give the player some benefit since it's probably unrealistic how most Fallout player characters never ever will want to take a drink. I tweaked the effect of alcohol on the player so that now it's at least potentially useful for more than reducing the PER of enemies to 1. Now, every time the player consumes alcohol he will lose PER but gain some hitpoints and some damage resistance with the exact amounts being determined by which alcoholic item was consumed.
* I replaced the inventory graphic for beer with an image of the label for Clix malt liquor, which was the first malt liquor and which was created in the US during the Depression. Like I said, I love history.

Co dodat - prostě moc pěkně graficky ošetřené bouchačky.