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Vault Rats mod

Lisac2k 1.3 MB No Mutants Allowed zde


Slovy samotného Lisac2ka - Vault Rats je malá modifikace obsahující jednu mapku, 9 NPC, 3 hlavní questy a tři prdele referencí na... no prostě spoustu věcí (pro více informací se mrkněte do .readme). Jeho hlavní myšlenka vznikla při pročítání tuctů Fallout 3 preview, který je nyní v produkci a které pořádně cloumají s každým fanouškem, jenž čeká na hodnotný Falloutí sequel přes deset dlouhých let.

Na druhou stranu, tento mod byl vytvořen ve smyslu "od modera moderům", někomu by mohl nastínit další a kvalitnější cesty, kudy a jak může být Fallout 2 modifikován, ukazuje že se malý mod dá jednoduše ušít během pár týdnů (v tomhle případě konkrétně méně než pouhé dva). K modu jsou přiloženy veškeré skripty, avšak nemám dost času na to je pořádně optimalizovat, takže tam dost možná budou úseky, které vaše hlava jen tak nezkousne. Nicméně přesto doufám, že si některé mé nové featurky najdou cestu k ostatním modderům, nebo budou alespoň novým popudem k nějaké další činnosti.

Ještěří poznámka: V modu najdete většinu předních vývojářů z Bethesdy, včetně pana Howarda jako ufuckovaného lídra ostrogangu Tunnel Snakes. Nikdy nedrážděte Todda bosou nohou!

Screeny: odkaz na FO3 security robůtka / Toddovo sídlo / s Toddem na pokec

.readme soubor


Fallout: Vault Rats MOD

by Lisac2k


1. Intro
2. Installation
3. List of Features
4. Other Languages
5. Credits
6. Contact



This is a small mod cosisting of one map, 9 NPCs, 3 main quests and bunch of references to... Well, to many issues (check out the List of Features for more info). The idea came from the numerous previews of Fallout 3, which is currently in production, that struck the Fallout Fans who were eagerly wait- ing for the worthy sequel of their favourite game franchise for more than 10 years.

On the other hand, the mod has been made as a "from modders for modders" pro- ject, which should provide better overview in what way the Fallout 2 game can be modded and how a new, small mod can be released in just a few weeks (it took me less than two weeks to make this one). The script sources have been included, though I hadn't enough time to optimise them, so there's probably parts which are hard to understand. Nonetheless, I hope some of this mod's features will find their way into other mods, or at least sparkle a few of new ideas.



Please, be sure to update the game to version 1.02d (it's the latest official patch) before installing the mod. After that, rename the file PATCH000.DAT to something else, because if you don't do that - the file will be OVERWRITTEN.

Now, unpack the content of the archive into the directory you have installed your Fallout 2 game, and that is probably (by default):

"C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\"

If not, find the directory you have installed your copy of Fallout 2 and un- pack the files into it. Only two files will be unpacked: this readme.txt file and PATCH000.DAT.

Now you can start the game. The main menu screen will be changed by now and you will see the "Vault Rats v1.00" main menu screen instead of the standard one.



- Main Features -

1 new map
9 new NPCs
3 new quests
12 different endings (!)
Dumb character path
Bunch of references to Fallout 3, the developers and videogame journalism Other references
... and much more!

- Other Features -

Many of the items on the map will be randomly spawned (replayability) Barrels (!) which are burning during the night, providing some light 1 new weapon (!)
... and more!

- Known Bugs -

Bug: Game crashes when a miss occurs in combat
Fix: Reload the saved game



I can't promise other languages versions, but I believe the hard working modders like Lexx and Cubik will take care of German, respectively Polish translations soon. For more info about it, please visit: (German) (Polish)



Thanks goes to:

> NMA Fallout Community and its glittering gems of hatred (for ideas)
> New Fallout Modding Centre (for modding support)
> TeamX (for tools)
> Modders: Jargo, Cubik, Lexx, Lich, Czech Modders, MIB88 and Killap
> NWS games for their efforts to finish the Mutants Rising MOD
> My friends and relatives
> My girlfriend aka SpaceRogue
> Creators of the Fallout 1 and 2 games



You can usually find me at:

> (go to Forum)


"Vault Rats moments"



(The Ultimate Fallout: Vault Rats MOD Guide)

by Lisac2k





You probably ask yourself what's this document all about. Well, I decided to write down all that's been done during the production of the Vault Rats Mod. Think of it as of guide, walkthrough and list of features and details, plus their explanations. All in one.

You can download FALLOUT: VAULT RATS MOD here:

To make it more structured, I've divided the game map into three different game areas. Each of these will be covered in the next few chapters. To clarify some parts of the text, there are a few short explanations:

Description: looking at objects using the binocular icon
Dumbass: dumb characters with intelligence IN < 3
M/F: Male and Female characters
XY%: approximate percent of skill needed to pass the check
Devs: the developers of a game, usually Fallout 3
">>" means explanation or walkthrough/guide part
"=>" means reference to something
"#>" means feature



#> Your starting equipment will be different each time you start a new game. The 10mm Pistol and the ammo will be spawned always, while Rad-X, RadAway, Stimpak and the First Aid Kit have 50% chance to show up.

=> This is a reference to Fallout1, where your starting inventory is not always the same one, but depends on your character.

You'll start near the Information Sign. Be sure to read it, it provides some info with its 4 decriptions. Left of the sign is a dead body and a couch, be sure to check out their descriptions too.

=> The dead man is reference to game journalist Jeff Green

The next thing you'll probably want to check out is the toilet. It does look like the ordinary toilet, until you receive the 3rd quest from Todd. There- after a new description will be available. The new description will make the toilet "usable", so you can use it now, and it will brins you a new dialogue window.

>> Dumbass characters will get only "run away" option

>> M/F characters will get different dialogue options
>> Dumbass can solve the quest only by dropping frag grenade down the hole, otherwise you can try to talk the aggressor out, but only if you pass one of the next checks: 40% First Aid, Doctor, Science or Outdoorsman.

=> Perhaps you've already noticed that each quest can be solved in a good, bad and neutral way. This is one of the references to Fallout 3, where, according to the developers, the moral ambiguity of the game has been done this way. Many of the fans are not satisfied with such "simplifi- cation" and demand more from the devs.

>> The good way to finish this quest is to talk out the guy down there, the bad is to use a frag grenade.
>> The neutral way is to go to Todd and cancel the quest. THIS APPLIES TO ALL QUESTS! You can cancel all of them and still finish the mod.

#> Each way of finishing the quests will affect the game endings. There are altogether 12 different endings, 9 affected by 3 quest(3*3=9) plus 2 more endings affected by resolving the gang issue and 1 affected by the new weapon, known as "Little Boy".

=> North of the toilet you can find 3 graves with markers, it's a reference to today's videogame journalism/journalists

If you head to the north-northeast of the place you've startedthe game, you will stumble upon a junkyard and a girl in the middle of it. You can talk to her and ask about different things. Basically, Todd wants to get rid of her but he don't want her to be killed or harmed in any way. This is where you jump in and get your 1st quest (of course, once you talk to Todd).

>> Dumbass characters can only kill her and finish the quest in a bad fa- shion, otherwise you can talk her out of staying there, and this will trigger the good ending for her.

=> Her name is Vera, which comes from the latin "veritas=truth" or "vero= in truth, indeed". There's a part of Fallout Fans which believe that the latest sequel, namely Fallout 3, actually isn't worth enough to carry that name, simply because it's not "truthful" enough to the canon esta- blished by the previos two sequels, Fallout 1 and 2.
=> Vera can't be killed (well, almost). If you attack her and cause a dama- #> ge, her Hit Points will be restored in the next turn. This is a refe- rence to "unkillable children/NPCs" which should be a feature in Fallout 3. The fans consider this to be a great restrain regarding the feel and the look of an RPG game, especially of the official Fallout 1/2 sequel.
=> After attacking her and then stoping it, she'll get angry (red floaters) and pass a few remarks about the unkillable NPCs.
=> The only place in the mod you're going to hear that your "main quest" and the reason why you're wondering the wasteland is "your father", for whom you've already been serching for a while (reference to Fallout 3 plot which was not accepted well by fans)

>> The only way to kill her is by using the Protectron Robot (explained in the next Chapter).
>> Just a bit to the south of the junkyard a cactus can be found. Next to it is a first of 4 hidden books on this map.

Before you enter the base, there are two guards (Ashley and Matt) who would like to show you their teeth first.

>> After talking to Matt, you cn hangon a second and two of them will start the first of 5 "guard chats" in the mod. You can hear (read) it or you can go on and enter the base.
>> This is the first time you hear something more about the gang, like where they're coming from.

=> The names of the gang members are actually the names of the people work- ing on Fallout 3, mostly producers
=> The chat contains more of the references to unkillable children/NPCs and the developers team structure (e.g. executive producer is "the boss")

#> The Barrels (!) I thought it'd be good if the main entrance would be equipped with old barrels with burning junk. The gang lives in the junk, so they burn it in the barrels during the night. This way thay get a light and a heat source at the same time, so they don't get freezed (desert nights are known to be cold).



You'll probably want to sniff around a bit before going into the house and meeting "the boss".

>> The 2nd hidden book is near the truck can be found next to the west wall of the house, near the old truck, the crate and the brace. The 3rd is near the other truck, in the northern part of the map, right next to the last barrel to the left. At last, the 4th book is hidden in the scrub located a few steps (hexes) eastern of the workshop.
>> Before you enter the house, Pete will stop you and start asking the questions. If you pass charisma check (6 CH will provide you good chance to pass it), you can realise that Pete is a pathological liar (500 XP). This can be done if you pass the intelligence check when choosing the "Where are you coming from?" line too. These checks are "rolled" and there's no "minimum" set for them (e.g. if IN < 6 then no pass).

After you get in, check out all the containers around. Bookshelves should've got some books and the footlocker in the bedroom might have some weapons and ammo. The pot next to the table contains metal armor, and the crate in the corner some mentats.

#> Weapons and ammo in the footlocker will be spawned according to your tagged weapons skills. If you tag the Big Guns skill, you'll find the Flamer and 20 or 30 fuel ammo for it. No tagged skill means no weapons at all (except the Frag Grenade)!
#> Books in one of the shelves are spawned randomly and there's 50% chance for each of them to be spawned. There are 4 types of them, namely the Big Book of Science, Deans Electronics, First Aid Book and Scout Hand- book. This feature is added for purposes of better replayability value.
#> The "Weapons Magazine" is a "multi-purpose" book, the concept originally made by Lich. His idea was to make a book which would raise a random skill when used, however I used this idea to make a magazine which will raise your tagged weapons skills (how convenient!) to a percent between 75 and 90. If a no skill has been tagged, the Small Guns skill will be raised.

>> Metal Armor is there if you decide to solve the Protectron quest by fighting it. Also, it provides good protection later, if you decide to fight against the whole gang.
>> Mentats can be used in the Protectron Quest for raising your Repair and Science skills.
>> The Frag Grenade in the footlocker can be used in the Toilet Quest.

Now for the most interesting NPC out there, the boss. You can ask him for some more info about the gang, get quests from him or even barter. He's the only person in the mod offering you a new model of Pipboy. Also, you should report back to him after each quest completed to get XP and "the rewards."

>> After you finish the girl quest, you'll get 2500$ which is enough to buy the new Pipboy.
>> You can use the Bobblehead and boost DOWN your stats (in this case CH). >> After you finish or cancel the quests, you can decide in what way you're going to finish this mod.
>> You can ask Todd about the Invisible Wall only after you discover it.
>> You can earn 800 XP asking him about a better name for the gang, if you pass skill check with Science or Outdoorsman skills (approx. 40% should be enough for it.)

#> Todd will swear randomly. This means there's 50% of chance he's going to swear in the next line of the dialogue.
#> He will laugh randomly for 4 to 8 lines, if you choose not to laugh to his remarks.

=> The 2nd and 3rd rewards (as well as the new Pipboy model) are references to Fallout 3. Apparently, many of the fans consider them to be out-of- -the-established-canon when it comes to the design, origin or function- ality of those. Especially controversial seem to be the Bobbleheads, which are, according to the devs, supposed to be collected in order to boost up your stats. This is rather ridiculous, since the original game design was strongly based on the scientific/50's sci-fi fundaments. The strange design of the Fallout 3 vaultsuits (and the belts) and improving the PipBoy 2000 are considered to be unfitting too.
=> One of the references about "the hype" that's being produced when a new game is anticipated (among others Fallout 3) is the moment Todd tries to sell you the new PipBoy. Watch the hype, kids!
=> More references: some bitter Fallout Fans accuse Todd that he's been "butchering" the worldwide beloved Fallout franchise, so I decided to put in that one too.
=> One of the references regards the role of the executive producers in a game development. Talented designers often doesn't have enough room to show their skills, simply because the producers have the last word, re- straining them from expressing their creativity. This has been portrayed through Todd and Emil NPCs.

In front of the house is the well, guarded by Gavin. He's kinda... Slow. Erik patrols the courtyard and Emil is near the second entrance. When talking to Gavin you can choose to insult him then step back. This will cause a certain amount of anger, so the next time you talk to him there will be red floaters. After 3 of them Gavin is going to attack you.

#> M/F character will get one different angry floater from Gavin.
#> If you try talking to Erik, he'll decide that Gavin is more of a person to talk to and go to him. They'll start one of the 4 remaining "guard chat" sessions, so be sure to hear (read) all of them.

=> During these "guard chat" sessions you'll recognise the references to, at least it's being considered by many fans so, Fallout 3 poorly des- igned plot ("tormenting" Overseer's daughter moment), unfitting NukaCola design (from the Fallout 3 Preview Parties) and, again, the new PipBoy and its "hybrid" V.A.T.S. targeting system, which are considered by the devs to be the proper replacement for the turn-based combat mode.

Emil is guarding the back "entrance", so you can drop by and try talking to him. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but quite a dialogue partner if you play the dumbass path.

>> Dumbass characters can talk to him normally and even get 500 XP if ask- ing about the gang and the boss

=> Again, the reference about the "hype" and "immersion", the feeling and the term which are being intentionally produced and overused by the devs in order to gain more sale points. The fans have really heard tons of it in the last few months.

>> You can try passing through the second gate and you'll discover the "Invisible Wall", earning 1000 XP for it.

=> This is the reference to the invisible wall which should be one of the features in Fallout 3. Some fans considered this solution silly, saying that the gameplay area could be restricted with other features (e.g. huge piles of junk, excessive radiation areas, impassable cliffs).

=> If you decide to fight the Snakes, they'll use specific floaters. Most of them are related to the current issues about Fallout 3 production and its developers.



In front of the workshop there's a malfunctioning Protectron Robot, you can find more about it from Todd. Anyway, he wants the robot removed, so the gang can use the workshop for themselves.

>> Dumbass characters can solve this quest only by destroying the robot. One way is fighting the Robot directly (Snakes won't attack you, don't worry), the other is to steal a ticket from him and use it on the robot.
>> You can do this even with normal characters, though the only way to get rid of the robot is to fight it. Other options include repairing it (you are going to need approx. 55% of Repair skill) or hacking it using your science skill on the Robot.
>> You have only one chance to hack the Robot!
>> The Robot has installed a Laser Trap in the workshop which can only be deactivated by destroying or repairing the Robot.

#> After repairing the robot, it'll become your ally and you can use it to fight (and kill) the girl, as well as to fight against the Snakes.
#> If you hack it successfully, you can set Vera as Robot's primary target. However, you won't be able to enter the workshop, since the Laser Trap won't be deactivated.
#> Hacking the Robot can be accomplished by playing a mini-game which will provide you a certain amount of tries to guess the right word, though the tries will be based upon your Science skill. For each 15% of it, you will get one more try (45% of Science = 3 tries).

=> This is another reference to Ticketing Robots armed with overpowered weapons in Fallout 3. One more controversial feature for which many of the fans are affraid it's going to be implemented poorly.
=> Mini-games were never part of the original Fallouts, aside from a few "puzzles" which occured in some quests, e.g. repairing the Gecko Power- plant by reprograming the Repair Bot in Fallout 2 (setting up the proper sequence of the Solar System Planets).
=> The Robot uses the L33T language sometimes. Many Fallout Fans consider Bethesda making Fallout 3 primarily for the consoles and trying to earn well on it, rather than making a true, worthy sequel. They mention that it has been developed more for the kiddies playing consoles and using the L33T language a way more than an average Fallout Fan.

If you pass the Protectron Robot, you'll be able to get into the warehouse and loot the lockers in there. The workbench contains tools and junk.

=> In one of the lockers you can find "decoy" items from Fallout 1/2, name- ly the Water Chip and the G.E.C.K. These were never intended to be the "main quest" items, more the initiating sparkle for hitting the waste- land and starting your adventures.
=> There's also the nuclear catapult called Little Boy (opposite from Fat Man in Fallout 3, these two names were used for the first H-Bombs used for the first time in history, against Japan). Another reference to a poor design and a weapon unfitting into an original setting.
=> The Little Boy will give you a one-time bonus to your Big Guns skill, because it's soooo coool. Again. this is a joke about the "hype" issue.

#> If you try to shoot someone with Little Boy, you'll blow him to pieces, but everyone else around you too. Including yourself.



I hope I've provided you a better overview and a solid guide for "Vault Rats" Mod. I might forget a thing here and there, but in general that's all of it. I'm quite tired these days, don't mind the bad English and occasional errors.

Hopefully, this mod will inspire other modders to make more Fallout mods, as well as bring some more info about the controversions implemented in the up- coming Fallout 3 game. At the same time, this is the last of my mods regard- ing Fallout 3 and its development. I'll probably commit myself to finishing the Survivors mod, which will be a total conversion with an atmosphere closer to the original Fallout than Fallout2.

Yours Sincerely,




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