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Vault šílené brahminy - největší stránka o sérii Fallout v češtině a slovenčine.


{100}{}{You see a stern-looking woman with thick glasses, wearing a Vault City jumpsuit. Judging from her bearing, she seems important.}
{101}{}{You see First Citizen Lynette. She looks preoccupied.}
{102}{}{You see First Citizen Lynette. She looks preoccupied.}
{103}{}{It is late. Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning, and I will receive you then.}
{104}{}{As I SAID, I don't receive visitors this late. MOST Citizens have retired to bed by this time.}
{105}{}{Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning. I will receive you then.}
{106}{}{I will speak with you TOMORROW.}
{107}{}{I don't know how you got past the guards and into my private chambers, but you had best leave.}
{108}{}{I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.}
{109}{}{Perhaps you find clicking on me...amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous.}
{110}{}{I appreciate your attention, but I really am quite dangerous when riled.}
{111}{}{I am the First Citizen! I must have my sleep!}
{113}{}{Get out!}
{114}{}{Out! Out! Out!}
{115}{}{I admire your persistence. I would like to admire it from a distance.}
{116}{}{Is this some sort of clumsy attempt to let me know that you are attracted to me?}
{117}{}{Do you like my little dreadlocks? I think Scott Rodenhizer has a strange sense of humor.}
{118}{lyn002}{Word of your brave deed has traveled quickly. Is it true? Was the government still waging the war?}
{119}{}{Wahr? Wahr whar?}
{120}{}{Yes. They were going to use a virus to exterminate all life. They planned to start the cost of all that you've built here.}
{121}{}{You heard incorrectly. I am just a traveler, nothing more...and certainly no hero. Now I only wish to be left in peace, allowed to wander the wastes in search of my place in this new world. Goodbye, First Citizen...forever.}
{122}{lyn003}{From the simplest things - and that certainly is you - even greatness may grow. Take care, my sweet imbecile...all Vault City thanks you.}
{123}{}{Hug her.}
{124}{}{Oo. Bye-bye.}
{125}{lyn004}{Awwwww...there, there. Anytime you need a hug, you come see Aunt Lynette, all right?}
{128}{lyn005}{How callous! How cruel! Were they not aware of the community we had built here?}
{129}{}{Perhaps an important lesson can be learned here, Lynette. Isolated from the world, the government was prepared to destroy you without even recognizing the value of your community. Perhaps Vault City should take another look at the outside world...and its place in it.}
{130}{}{Callous, cruel...maybe. All I know is that I had superior firepower. Goodbye, First Citizen.}
{131}{lyn006}{That may be a valid point. Next time, we should make a stronger effort to find these remnants of the government and ally ourselves with them. I hear they have great power armor.}
{132}{}{But...oh, forget it. Good luck, First Citizen.}
{133}{}{You don't know the half of it, First Citizen! Power steering, body fluid recycling, menacing exterior...pretty damn cool.}
{134}{}{Goodbye, First Citizen. I must return to the outside world...and find my place in it.}
{135}{lyn007}{Please, call me Lynette. Travel friend. We shall never forget you. You shall always have a home here within the walls of Vault City.}
{137}{}{Yeah, well, I BETTER have a home here. With these new duds and my superior firepower, it would take five seconds for me to slaughter everyone in this backwater dystopia. Sleep easy, Lynette. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.}
{138}{lyn008}{You're wearing a vault suit! I never imagined I would meet an inhabitant of another vault. This Vault 13... where is it located?}
{140}{}{Valt! Valt!}
{141}{}{Hed funneee.}
{143}{}{Isn't this the Vault my ancestor originally came from?}
{144}{}{I don't know. I come from a village in the west.}
{145}{}{I don't know. I'm trying to find the Vault my ancestor came from...can you help me?}
{146}{}{I don't have time to explain the whole story right now. Good day.}
{147}{lyn009}{That must be your IQ on your jumpsuit, not a Vault number.}
{150}{}{Har funeee!}
{151}{}{Shamble off}
{152}{lyn010}{I don't know how you mustered the brain power to get inside the city, but I'll make sure you don't wander in here again...guards! Escort this imbecile outside the walls!}

# player's name prepended to line 154

{154}{}{ go with metal people}
{155}{lyn011}{Good day to you, stranger. I am First Citizen Lynette. May I inquire as to your business here?}
{156}{}{Bizzzness? Bzzzzz-neff?}
{159}{}{I am looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Do you have one?}
{160}{}{I am in search of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, First Citizen. Does your city have one I might purchase?}
{161}{}{Are you the...Overseer of this vault?}
{162}{}{Excuse my ignorance, First Citizen...does the title "First Citizen" mean you are the Overseer of this vault?}
{163}{}{This is Vault City? Why don't you live in a vault?}
{164}{}{No business today. Maybe another time.}
{165}{}{Nothing today. My apologies for disturbing you, First Citizen. Good day.}
{166}{lyn012a}{Where did one such as YOU hear of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{167}{lyn012b}{Such technology is not meant for Outsiders.}
{168}{}{You got a PROBLEM with Outsiders, woman?}
{169}{}{You got a PROBLEM with Outsiders?}
{170}{}{My there a problem in being an Outsider, First Citizen?}
{171}{}{I am the descendant of the Vault Dweller; the GECK is needed to help my village.}
{172}{}{I am the descendant of the Vault Dweller, First Citizen; the GECK is required to help my village.}
{173}{}{Woman, give me the GECK now, or I shall take it by force.}
{174}{}{Give me the GECK now, or I shall take it by force.}
{175}{}{Then we have nothing more to discuss. Good day.}
{176}{lyn013}{The problem IS that all Outsiders wish to join our society, which is simply not feasible. We would undoubtedly sink into the same anarchy which plagues the outside.}
{177}{}{I see. I wish to speak to the Overseer of the Vault. Can you take me to him?}
{178}{}{How does one go about becoming one of you Vault Dwellers?}
{179}{}{If you hate the outside world so much, why do you live outside, and not in the vault?}
{180}{}{I've heard enough. Goodbye.}
{181}{}{I...understand. Thank you for your time, First Citizen.}
{182}{lyn014}{I find ALL of you Outsiders offensive. You are uncultured and primitive, no better than animals! Now leave. Or I shall have you forcibly removed.}
{183}{}{No! I'm not leaving until I get some answers!}
{184}{}{"Forcibly removed?" TRY it. I'll like it.}
{185}{}{I'll go quietly...this time.}
{186}{}{I'm leaving, I'm leaving.}
{187}{lyn015a}{"Overseer?" Why, no. There has been no Overseer in a hundred years. How do you know of the Vault Overseers?}
{188}{lyn015b}{I have told you already. Overseers are from the distant past.}
{189}{}{I am a descendant of the first Vault Dweller. I have heard...many stories of the Overseer.}
{190}{}{What happened to the Overseer? I must speak with him.}
{191}{}{You are OBVIOUSLY not the one I need to be speaking to. Fetch the Overseer at once, woman.}
{192}{}{You are OBVIOUSLY not the one I need to be speaking to. Fetch the Overseer at once.}
{193}{}{Nevermind. I must be going. Good day.}
{194}{lyn016}{"Descendant of the Vault Dweller?" What do you mean?}
{195}{}{I am the great grandchild of the first Vault Dweller.}
{196}{}{Woman, I'm wasting precious time talking with you. Fetch the Overseer at once.}
{197}{}{I'm wasting precious time talking with you. Fetch the Overseer at once.}
{198}{}{Nothing, nevermind. We'll continue this conversation later.}
{199}{lyn017a}{You barge into my chambers and then have the audacity to insult me, Lynette, First Citizen of Vault City?!}
{200}{lyn017b}{You barge into my chambers and then have the audacity to make demands of me, Lynette, First Citizen of Vault City?!}
{201}{lyn017c}{Leave. You are no longer welcome in this city.}
{202}{}{I'm NOT leaving until I get some answers.}
{203}{}{I'll go...for now.}
{204}{lyn018}{No, no, we do not live in the vault. They were a temporary measure to protect a chosen few from the war and aid them in the subsequent construction of a new world.}
{205}{}{How did you know when to leave the vault? I heard the vaults were isolated from the outside world.}
{206}{}{It is important that I speak with the Overseer. Can you take me to him?}
{207}{}{I'm wasting precious time talking with you. Fetch the Overseer at once, woman.}
{208}{}{I'm wasting precious time talking with you. Fetch the Overseer at once.}
{209}{}{I've heard enough. Goodbye.}
{210}{}{Thank you for your time, First Citizen. Good day.}
{211}{lyn019}{There is no "Overseer." When we came to the surface, we formed a new government. The Overseer position was superfluous.}
{212}{}{New government? Tell me about it.}
{213}{}{So you're the leader of the former vault dwellers?}
{214}{}{Smart. Get rid of the corrupt Overseer.}
{215}{}{I see. Thanks for the information. Good day.}
{216}{lyn020}{What you heard was incorrect. Our archives are quite clear: our vault received the all-clear signal two years after being sealed.}
{217}{}{The "all-clear" signal? From where?}
{218}{}{Where are these archives?}
{219}{}{Where is the Overseer? I must speak with him.}
{220}{}{Well, OUR tribal legend states the Vault was closed for years...and no "all-clear" signal ever came.}
{221}{}{You lie! The all-clear never came!}
{222}{}{I see. Thanks for the information. Good day.}
{223}{lyn021}{Why...from surface monitors, I suppose. I am certain there were sensors monitoringthe environment. How else would the Overseer have known when it was safe to leave?}
{224}{}{Do these monitors still exist? Can I see them?}
{225}{}{So...the order to leave the vault came from the Overseer?}
{226}{}{Speaking of the Overseer, where is he? I'd like to speak to him.}
{227}{}{You lie! The all-clear signal never came!}
{228}{}{I'm not certain...yet. Good day.}
{229}{lyn022}{Quite likely they were disassembled and used as upgrades for other systems.}
{230}{}{Hmmm. But the Overseer was the one who gave the order to leave the vault?}
{231}{}{Where is the Overseer? I must speak with him about this.}
{232}{}{I don't believe you. I'm telling you, the all-clear signal never came!}
{233}{}{I see. Thanks for the information. Good day.}
{234}{lyn023}{ least, that's what I remember from the archives. However, I am certain many Citizens were responsible for monitoring the surface sensors.}
{235}{}{Any idea where these surface sensors are now?}
{236}{}{Where are these archives?}
{237}{}{Where is the Overseer? I must speak with him.}
{238}{}{You lie! The all-clear signal never came!}
{239}{}{I see. Thanks for the information. Good day.}
{240}{lyn024}{If you were capable of examining your argument, the flaw would quickly become apparent. The archives do not allow for the same form of corruption your...tribal legends" do.}
{241}{}{Where are these archives?}
{242}{}{Where is the Overseer? I must speak with him.}
{243}{}{Look, I'm telling you...the all-clear signal ever came!}
{244}{}{I've heard enough. Good day.}
{245}{lyn025}{You have the audacity to accuse me, Lynette, the First Citizen of Vault City, of LYING?! Leave! You are no longer welcome in this city.}
{246}{}{I'm not leaving until I get some answers!}
{247}{}{I shall leave...for now.}
{248}{lyn026}{The archives is stored within our vault. Only Citizens have access to them...they are NOT for Outsiders.}
{249}{}{Fine. Where is the Overseer? I will ask him about these archives.}
{250}{}{But I am a Citizen.}
{251}{}{How does one become one of you Vault Dwellers?}
{252}{}{How can I become a Citizen?}
{253}{}{I've heard enough. Good day.}
{254}{lyn027}{We no longer consider ourselves to be "Vault Dwellers"... we refer to ourselves as "Citizens." If you wish to become part of our community, you must first prove your worth.}
{255}{}{Prove my worth? How?}
{256}{}{I am the descendant of the first Vault Dweller -- that should be enough.}
{257}{}{I'll think about it. Good day.}
{258}{lyn028}{You is not the world we object to, it is the people in it. Look around -- within these walls is all that remains of pre-war civilization.}
{259}{}{Where is the Overseer? I need to speak with him.}
{260}{}{It isn't right you don't share. It's your responsibility to help everyone... not just those that live in these walls.}
{261}{}{I...see. Thanks for your time. Good day.}
{262}{lyn029}{You Outsiders are fine ones to lecture about "responsibility." You beg incessantly for help, yet do nothing to better yourselves. Our talk is over...leave now, before I summon the guards.}
{263}{}{You better summon the guards now, because you're not going to have another chance.}
{264}{}{I'm not leaving until I see the Overseer!}
{265}{}{I'm leaving...for now.}
{266}{}{Very well. Thank you for speaking with me. Good day.}
{267}{lyn030}{"The first Vault Dweller?" What? You must mean another Vault! We have never been in contact with another Vault! Where is it located?}
{268}{}{I think THIS was the vault my ancestor originally came from.}
{269}{}{I don't live in a Vault. I come from a tribal village from the west.}
{270}{}{I don't see, I'm trying to find the Vault my ancestor came from.}
{271}{}{When I find it, I'll be sure to let you know. Good day.}
{272}{lyn031}{We exited the Vault 120 years ago and, with the help of our Eden kit, began construction of Vault City. Ten years later, the Overseer retired and a Council of Citizens was established. The Council appointed the initial First Citizen.}
{273}{}{Speaking of the GECK, do you have another one that I could have?}
{274}{}{So you are the leader of this city, then?}
{275}{}{120 years ago? That was 70 years before the Vault Dweller stopped the Master. This can't be the vault I'm looking for.}
{276}{}{I see. Good day.}
{277}{lyn032}{Correct...I am First Citizen of Vault City.}
{278}{}{First Citizen, I have an urgent request: My village is in dire need of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Do you possess one that I may have?}
{279}{}{Then you are who I seek. I have come on behalf of the people of Arroyo to claim what is rightfully ours: the holy GECK.}
{280}{}{I see. Thanks for speaking with me. Good day.}
{281}{lyn033}{Corrupt?! The Overseer was a great man and a flawless leader. His teachings and wisdom still comprise much of our schooling.}
{282}{}{This doesn't sound like Overseer the Vault Dweller knew.}
{283}{}{After saving the Vault, the Vault Dweller was banished by the Overseer. What kind of lesson is that?}
{284}{}{Then you have been raised a fool. Waste no more of my time, woman. Fetch someone who can help me.}
{285}{}{Then you have been raised a fool. Waste no more of my time. Fetch someone who can help me.}
{286}{}{That is unfortunate. Good day.}
{287}{lyn034a}{You may speak with Proconsul Gregory; he has authority to administer the Citizenship test. He can be found in the meeting room down the corridor.}
{288}{lyn034b}{Or...there IS another way to become a Citizen...}
{289}{}{Another way? What is it?}
{290}{}{I think I'll just go speak to the Proconsul. Goodbye.}
{291}{}{I'll go talk to the Proconsul then.}
{292}{}{I will go speak with Gregory. Thanks for your time, First Citizen.}
{293}{lyn035}{Quite impossible. In the century we have lived outside the Vault, no one has ever chosen to leave. Although there were two Citizens exiled from our city long punishment for their crimes.}
{294}{}{You are the ones who KICKED OUT the Vault Dweller! I've come for what is rightfully mine!}
{295}{}{What did these Citizens do?}
{296}{}{If this is not the right Vault, then I must find the one my ancestor came from.}
{297}{}{I have to be going. Good day.}
{298}{lyn036a}{Village? But you are wearing a Vault suit...wh-what is this village you speak of? Speak plainly: my patience is wearing thin.}
{299}{lyn036b}{Village? First you tell me you are from a vault, now from a village. Which is it?! My patience for your double-talk is wearing thin.}
{300}{}{Wait, you misunderstand me. The Vault Dweller was the founder of my village.}
{301}{}{My patience for YOU is wearing thin, woman. Fetch someone else... someone who can help me.}
{302}{}{My patience for YOU is wearing thin. Fetch someone else...someone who can help me.}
{303}{}{I think I'll just come back later. Good day.}
{304}{lyn037}{ I understand. But what proof do you have that your Ancestor was from a Vault?}
{305}{}{Stories, passed down by the Elder of my Village.}
{306}{}{I have the sacred artifacts of the Vault Dweller...this Vault suit, and this holy flask.}
{307}{}{I have this Vault jumpsuit, and this canteen. They belonged to my ancestor.}
{308}{}{I grow tired of your questions. I'm going to go find someone else who can help me.}
{309}{}{I have to be going. Good day.}
{310}{lyn038}{Hmm…perhaps some mention of your Vault is in our computer archives.}
{311}{}{Well, can we check?}
{312}{}{First Citizen, it's very important to me that I find out the location of my ancestor's Vault.If I could check the archives, I would be grateful.}
{313}{}{Hmmmm. Thanks for the information. Good day.}
{314}{lyn039}{I'm sorry, but we used ours to start Vault City. I do not believe there were any spares, but you could check the Acquisitions Office. It is located by the entrance to our vault.}
{315}{}{Thanks. I had some other questions...}
{316}{}{Would you know where Vault 13 is located?}
{317}{}{Great! I'll go there then. Good day.}
{318}{lyn040}{A dirty vault suit and a battered canteen? That is your proof? Who knows where you scavenged those "relics" from... or who you killed to steal them.}
{319}{}{Please...look at them again. They're genuine.}
{320}{}{I've traveled all this way, at least LOOK at them, woman!}
{321}{}{I've traveled all this way, at least LOOK at them!}
{322}{}{If they aren't enough to convince you, then there's nothing more to be said. Good day.}
{323}{lyn041a}{Do you have any conception of how busy I am? I run this city, and I have precious little time to waste with you and your wild claims.}
{324}{lyn041b}{Do you have any conception of how busy I am? I run this city, and I have precious little time to waste with you.}
{325}{lyn041c}{Now leave at once, or I shall call the guards.}
{326}{}{Go ahead and call them. They won't get here in time to save your life.}
{327}{}{Fine. I'm leaving.}
{328}{}{Very well, First Citizen. Good day.}
{329}{lyn042}{A tribal legend? You'll need something more substantial than some... tribal MYTH if you want anyone to believe your claim.}
{330}{}{But I have the sacred artifacts of the Vault Dweller... this Vault suit, and this holy flask.}
{331}{}{I have this Vault jumpsuit, and this canteen. They belonged to my ancestor.}
{332}{}{What do I have to do to prove my heritage, if you will not believe my word?!}
{333}{}{Fine. I'm leaving.}
{334}{}{Very well, then we have nothing more to discuss. Good day, First Citizen.}
{335}{lyn043}{We could check the Vault computers. They would probably have the information you seek. But only Citizens are allowed to access the archives.}
{336}{}{But I am a Citizen.}
{337}{}{Is there some way I could become a Citizen?}
{338}{}{Guess I'm out of luck, then. Good day.}
{339}{lyn044}{Rather than taking the test, you could prove your commitment to the Vaults in a more...substantial way. As an Outsider, you are in a unique position to resolve a difficult...situation for us.}
{340}{}{What kind of situation?}
{341}{}{Of course. Whatever the vaults need, it is my duty to deliver.}
{342}{}{I don't know...isn't the Citizenship test standard procedure?}
{343}{}{I don't think I'm the one for the job...goodbye.}
{344}{}{No thanks, I really should be going. Good day, First Citizen.}
{345}{lyn045}{Murderers, both of them. Boyarsky was exiled ten years ago, and Richard Moreau was exiled shortly after we left the Vault. Citizenship is a sacred trust -- crime is not tolerated within our walls.}
{346}{}{If this is not the right Vault, then I must find the one my ancestor came from.}
{347}{}{How does a person become a Citizen?}
{348}{}{I've heard enough. I have to be going.}
{349}{}{I see. Well, thanks for your time, First Citizen. Good day.}
{350}{lyn046}{What are you talking about? You must be mistaken. Whatever... "Vault Dweller" YOU'RE speaking of must be from some other Vault.}
{351}{}{If that is true, then I need to find this other Vault.}
{352}{}{You lie! THIS is the Vault my ancestor is from!}
{353}{}{Perhaps so. Thanks for speaking with me. Goodbye.}
{354}{lyn047}{There's a town...if you could call it the northeast of our city. It is filled with...creatures that are polluting the groundwater with dangerous radiation.}
{355}{}{How are they poisoning the groundwater?}
{356}{}{What do you want me to do about it?}
{357}{}{On second thought, this doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in. Goodbye.}
{358}{lyn048}{Disable their plant, permanently, so that they cannot cause any more damage.}
{359}{}{Sounds easy enough. I'll be back when the situation's..."resolved."}
{360}{}{How exactly is this plant releasing radiation?}
{361}{}{Let me think about it. I'll get back to you.}
{362}{lyn049}{Those...things...are operating a damaged atomic power plant. You see, THEY are immune to radiation...they don't care that they are slowly killing us with their poisons.}
{363}{}{I'll take care of the problem. I'll be back when the situation's..."resolved."}
{364}{}{Sounds like they're doing the world a service. Find some other "Outsider" to do your dirty work.}
{365}{}{I'll have to think about it. I'll get back to you.}
{366}{lyn050}{Very well, let me see... These...these are authentic! Unbelievable... you ARE a survivor from another vault! Welcome to our City... you must have suffered much in the outside world.}
{367}{}{I need to find the Vault my people came from.}
{368}{}{I need a Garden of Eden Kit, do you have one?}
{369}{}{Oh, so now I'm welcome in your city? Forget this...I'm outta here.}
{370}{}{You have no idea...but I'll tell you about the temple of trials some other time. Goodbye.}
{371}{lyn051}{I'm giving you an opportunity few Outsiders ever receive. You may take the test, if you wish. But resolving this situation for us may prove more rewarding. Do you understand me?}
{372}{}{All right then. What kind of situation?}
{373}{}{I understand. Whatever the vaults need, it is my duty to deliver.}
{374}{}{I don't think I'm the one for the job...goodbye.}
{375}{}{I think I really should be going. Good day, First Citizen.}
{376}{lyn052}{Oh...that's right. The Proconsul mentioned we had gained a new Citizen. Welcome, Citizen. As for the archives, yes...they are located inside our Vault. Peruse them at your leisure.}
{377}{}{Before I go examine the archives, I wanted to ask you some other questions...}
{378}{}{Do you happen to have a GECK as well?}
{379}{}{Great! Thanks.}
{380}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{381}{lyn053a}{Yes? What is it I can help you with?}
{382}{lyn053b}{Yes? What is it?}
{384}{}{Valt! Valt!}
{385}{}{Funnneee eyes!}
{387}{}{I had some questions I wanted to ask you.}
{388}{}{I had some questions I wanted to ask you.}
{389}{}{How does one become a Citizen of Vault City?}
{390}{}{I have reconsidered your offer for Citizenship.}
{391}{}{About the Gecko power plant...}
{392}{}{I have some information on those raiders who've been attacking the city.}
{393}{}{I found out some more information on those raiders who were attacking the city.}
{394}{}{I found something in Bishop's safe you might be interested in.}
{395}{}{I believe Dr. Troy is involved in something illegal.}
{396}{}{I must speak with you on the delivery of that holo disk.}
{397}{}{I've changed my mind. I will deliver that holo disk to the Counselor in the NCR.}
{398}{}{Nothing. Sorry to disturb you.}
{399}{lyn054a}{Of course. What can I help you with, Citizen?}
{400}{lyn054b}{Of course. What can I help you with, Captain?}
{401}{}{What can you tell me about these Raider attacks on our city?}
{402}{}{I ran into this Citizen downtown, Thomas Moore. Who is he?}
{403}{}{Do you have a GECK?}
{404}{}{I'm looking for Vault 13.}
{405}{}{This is Vault City? Why don't you live in a vault?}
{406}{}{Why is it you condone slavery?}
{407}{}{Nothing today, thanks.}
{408}{lyn055}{For a non-Citizen, you certainly demand a great deal of my time.}
{409}{}{But I AM a Citizen.}
{410}{}{Do you have a GECK?}
{411}{}{I'm looking for Vault 13.}
{412}{}{What do I need to do to become a Citizen?}
{413}{}{This is Vault City? Why don't you live in a vault?}
{414}{}{Why is it you condone slavery?}
{415}{}{Nevermind then. Good day.}
{416}{lyn056}{What is it?! I don't have time for your nonsense!}
{417}{}{I was hoping I could ask you another question.}
{418}{}{I apologize for my earlier comments, First Citizen. I was hoping I could ask you some questions about Vault City.}
{419}{}{You know, there are decaffinated brands that taste just as good as the real thing.}
{421}{}{My apologies, First Citizen. Sorry to disturb you.}
{422}{lyn057}{What is it? Didn't you already take care of them?}
{423}{}{It's a little more complicated than that. You see these guys weren't a roving band of raiders...they were mercenaries.}
{424}{}{Nevermind. Goodbye.}
{425}{lyn058}{I do not remember your induction. Let me see your papers.}
{426}{}{Here you go. Everything should be in order.}
{427}{}{Umm...I don't have my papers with me.}
{428}{}{My papers? They haven't been processed yet. They should be coming across your desk any day now.}
{429}{}{My papers? They haven't been processed yet. They should be coming across your desk any day now.}
{430}{lyn059}{Do not toy with me, "Citizen," or I will make sure you never walk Vault City's streets again. Now leave.}
{431}{}{No problem...I'll just be going now. Goodbye.}
{432}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{433}{lyn060}{Do you take me for a FOOL? If anyone would know these were fakes, it would be me! Who gave you these papers?! If you tell me, I will allow you to keep your Day Pass.}
{434}{}{It was a Citizen named Skeev at the front gate.}
{435}{}{I, uh, don't remember.}
{436}{}{You'll have to catch me first.}
{437}{lyn061}{Hmmmm...very well. But do not appear again until you have your Citizenship papers. Good day.}
{439}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{440}{lyn062}{Oh, really? That confirms my suspicions. Your Vault City access is now revoked. Hand over your Day Pass and go with my guards to the front gate.}
{441}{}{What? You said you'd let me keep my Day Pass!}
{442}{}{I'm not going anywhere. You want this Day Pass, you come GET it.}
{443}{}{All right, I'm going. I don't want any trouble.}
{444}{lyn063}{You have? So you will stop Gecko from contaminating our water? By ANY means necessary?}
{445}{}{Yes, I will -- in exchange for Citizenship and access to your Vault computers.}
{446}{}{No, not really. I was just checking if the offer was still open.}
{447}{lyn064}{Very well then. Report back to me when the job is finished, and I will grant you Citizenship.}
{448}{}{Can I ask you another question before I go?}
{449}{}{All right. I'll return when the situation's been taken care of.}
{450}{lyn065}{Have you resolved the situation?}
{451}{}{I found out all they need to get their plant running clean is a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator.}
{452}{}{The power plant's been destroyed. If I were you, I'd make sure your brahmin graze to the southwest from now on.}
{453}{}{I took care of Gecko's power plant. You shouldn't have any more trouble with it leaking radiation.}
{454}{}{No, not yet. I'm still working on it.}
{455}{lyn066}{Then do not waste my time. Return when you have something to report.}
{456}{}{All right. I'll be back later.}
{457}{}{Very well. Good day, First Citizen.}
{458}{lyn067a}{So you HAVEN'T taken care of the problem?}
{459}{lyn067b}{If you still want Citizenship, you had better handle it.}
{460}{}{As I understand it, you have the part here in Vault City to fix their plant.}
{461}{}{All right. I'll be back later.}
{462}{}{Very well. Good day, First Citizen.}
{463}{lyn068}{What if we do? That is only a temporary solution; please FIX the problem, NOT their power plant. Am I making myself clear?}
{464}{}{First Citizen, I mean no disrespect, but there's a way to solve your problem without killing the ghouls or shutting down their reactor. Now, if I could just get the part...?}
{465}{}{You said you wanted me to fix the plant, not massacre Gecko.}
{466}{}{Crystal. I'll be back later.}
{467}{}{Yes. Good day, First Citizen.}
{468}{lyn069a}{What is have with you?! Such...things are not permitted inside Vault City! Guards! Escort these intruders to the front gate at once!}
{469}{lyn069b}{Oh, did I? I seem to recall you claiming that you were a Citizen. You are no longer permitted inside Vault City. My guards will escort you to the front gate.}
{470}{lyn069c}{I've had enough of your foolishness! You are no longer permitted inside Vault City. My guards will escort you to the front gate.}
{471}{}{Die glazzeeeye!}
{473}{}{You don't like my friend, huh? That's too bad. Cause he likes you...for DINNER.}
{474}{}{Your guards won't get here in time to save your life..."First Citizen."}
{475}{}{No need for the guards -- I'll leave peacefully.}
{476}{lyn070}{What? You destroyed the plant?! The contamination! You IDIOT. At least those ghouls are gone...Get out of my sight.}
{477}{}{Whoa! What about that Citizenship you promised?}
{478}{}{Look, causing that much destruction wasn't easy! I expect SOME compensation...}
{479}{}{All right, all right. I'm leaving.}
{480}{}{Good-day, First Citizen.}
{481}{lyn071}{Do not toy with me, or I will make certain you never walk Vault City's streets again.}
{482}{}{You watch yourself, "First Citizen." Goodbye.}
{483}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{484}{lyn072a}{You did it! Excellent! You have performed a valuable service for Vault City; please accept this as a token of our appreciation. To think a band of RAIDERSwas causing so much trouble...}
{485}{lyn072b}{Excellent. No more than they deserved. To think a band of RAIDERS was causing so much trouble...}
{486}{}{Well, they weren't really a roving band of raiders...turns out, they were mercenaries.}
{487}{lyn073}{So you disabled their plant?}
{488}{}{No, I repaired it. Councilor McClure gave me the part I needed and that was enough to get the plant running properly.}
{489}{}{It's all taken care of.}
{490}{lyn074}{What?! He did?! I suppose he granted you Citizenship, also! Fixing Gecko's plant won't solve anything. Those...creatures! They cannot be trusted! What happens when their plant starts leaking again?!}
{491}{}{I don't know...maybe HELP them fix it?}
{492}{}{Look, the groundwater isn't being contaminated anymore, and no one got hurt. The problem's solved.}
{493}{}{I'll come back later when you've calmed down.}
{494}{}{I have to leave, First Citizen. Good day.}
{495}{lyn075}{You had better watch your step in this city, "Citizen." I'll be watching you. One misstep, and you'll be exiled.}
{496}{}{That does it. Nobody threatens me, especially some bigoted bitch with a stick up her butt. Time to die.}
{497}{}{Mess with me, Lynette, and Vault City will need a new First Citizen. Understand?}
{498}{}{So? I'll just get McClure to get my Citizenship back. He seems like real First Citizen material.}
{499}{}{I'll come back later when you've calmed down.}
{500}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{501}{lyn076a}{Excellent. You have conducted yourself as a true Vault Citizen.}
{502}{lyn076b}{It is my pleasure to grant you Citizenship, complete with privileges and access to our facilities.}
{503}{}{Hey, I was hoping to get some monetary compensation.}
{504}{}{No problem. Just doing my job. Goodbye.}
{505}{}{It was my pleasure, First Citizen. Good day.}
{506}{}{Great, thanks. I'll go check them out now.}
{507}{}{I appreciate all you've done for me, First Citizen. Good day.}
{508}{lyn077ab}{You have already received much, Outsider. Citizenship is it's own reward.}
{509}{lyn077b}{Citizenship is its own reward.}
{510}{}{Like hell! Some money better change hands right now, or Vault City's going to need a new First Citizen.}
{511}{}{No problem...I was just curious. Goodbye.}
{512}{}{Very well, First Citizen. Good day.}
{513}{lyn077_a}{Absolutely not.}
{514}{}{I wonder who'll take over after you're about a minute from now.}
{515}{}{No problem...Thought I'd give it a try. Goodbye.}
{516}{lyn078}{Dr. Troy?! What makes you say that?}
{517}{}{He asked me to smuggle in some illegal drugs into the city.}
{518}{}{He only administers healing to Citizens.}
{519}{}{Nothing...I misspoke. Good day.}
{520}{lyn079}{Who are you to be accusing a Citizen of such crimes? Guards! Escort this Outsider to the gates!}
{521}{}{Your guards won't get here in time to save your life..."First Citizen."}
{522}{}{No need for the guards -- I'll leave peacefully.}
{523}{}{But it's the truth! You have to believe me! I have pr --!}
{524}{lyn080}{That is a very serious accusation. Since you are a Citizen, I must take you at your word...but are you absolutely certain? If true, his Citizenship would be revoked, and he would be exiled.}
{525}{}{Look, I know it's hard for you to believe, but he asked me to smuggle Jet into Vault City for him.}
{526}{}{Isn't that a little harsh? Couldn't you just rehabilitate him and keep him on as a doctor?}
{527}{}{Oh. Uh...I misspoke. I meant to say Dr. Troy is involved in PARALEGAL activities, not illegal ones.}
{528}{}{Hmmmm. I'll go see if I can find anything else out.}
{529}{lyn081}{I can't believe a Citizen of such stature would become addicted to drugs. Thank you for your honesty, Citizen. I will take care of this immediately.}
{530}{}{I had some other questions...}
{531}{}{Great. The entire situation had me concerned. Goodbye.}
{532}{}{Thank you, First Citizen. I only wanted to see justice carried out.}
{533}{lyn082a}{Inform me at once if you discover anything more.}
{534}{lyn082b}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{535}{}{I had some other questions...}
{536}{}{Sure. Goodbye.}
{537}{}{I will. Thank you, First Citizen.}
{538}{lyn083}{The law is the law. Exceptions make us no better than the Outsiders. Again, are you absolutely certain of your accusations?}
{539}{}{So bribing me to solve your Gecko situation with Citizenship papers...that's legal?}
{540}{}{Yes. He asked me to smuggle Jet into Vault City for him.}
{541}{}{Oh. Uh...I misspoke. I meant to say Dr. Troy is involved in PARALEGAL activities, not illegal ones.}
{542}{}{Hmmmm. I'll go see if I can find anything else out.}
{543}{lyn084a}{You had best watch what you say.}
{544}{lyn084b}{You had best watch what you say, Outsider.}
{545}{lyn084c}{If I hear of you making trouble for Dr. Troy, or any other Citizen, you will never walk the streets of Vault City again. Understood?}
{546}{}{Uh...sure. Sorry. I had some other questions...}
{547}{}{Crystal clear. I'll just be going now.}
{548}{}{My apologies, First Citizen. Good day.}
{549}{lyn085}{Of COURSE he only treats Citizens. He has no time to treat Outsiders... we have an Auto Doc in the courtyard for that.}
{550}{}{Well, you might want to know that the Doctor asked me to smuggle some illegal drugs into the city.}
{551}{}{Oh. Look, I had some other questions...}
{552}{}{Yeah, for those that can pay...and that's assuming they come out of the Autodoc in one piece.}
{553}{}{All right, nevermind then. Goodbye.}
{554}{}{My apologies, First Citizen. Good day.}
{555}{lyn086}{I believe it is time you left. I suggest you make your stay in Vault City a short one.}
{556}{}{Before I go, I had some more questions...}
{557}{}{All right. I'm leaving.}
{558}{lyn087}{Moore? He's a troublemaker. THAT'S what he is.}
{559}{}{You're right. He's got...outside interests.}
{560}{}{Why do you say he's a troublemaker?}
{561}{}{Can I ask you another question?}
{562}{}{I spoke with him...and a lot of what he says makes sense.}
{563}{}{I agree. Do you want me to...take care of him?}
{564}{}{You should revoke his Citizenship, then.}
{565}{}{I see. I'll be sure to stay clear of him then. Good day.}
{566}{lyn088}{He constantly seeks to convince the Citizens to turn Vault City into a ..."democracy," as he calls it, with everyone having a say in laws and decision-making. *I* call it mob rule.}
{568}{}{How does he try and convince the Citizens?}
{569}{}{He sounds like a problem. How about I...take care of him?}
{570}{}{Can't you just kick him out?}
{571}{}{I had some other questions...}
{572}{}{Oh. Well, thanks for the information. Good day.}
{573}{lyn089}{The archives state that many old world nations had such a government. We know where THAT got them. Can you imagine how long it would take to get anything done in such a society? It's inconceivable.}
{574}{}{Inconceivable? Why?}
{575}{}{How does Moore try and convince the Citizens?}
{576}{}{I had some other questions...}
{577}{}{I suppose so. I have to be going.}
{578}{}{Thanks for your time, First Citizen. Good day.}
{579}{lyn090}{A government needs a strong, capable leader who can make decisions quickly and has the power to enforce them. Government by committee is no kind of government at all.}
{580}{}{How does Moore try and convince the Citizens that Vault City should be a democracy?}
{581}{}{I had some other questions...}
{582}{}{I suppose so. I have to be going.}
{583}{}{Thanks for your time, First Citizen. Good day.}
{584}{lyn091}{Mostly by ranting in public and making a fool of himself. He plays on our sympathies with tales of a plague in the NCR, as if WE could take care of the whole world.}
{585}{}{Sounds like a real problem. Do you want me to...take care of him?}
{586}{}{You know he's right: you probably could. Your medical technology IS pretty impressive.}
{587}{}{Can't you just kick him out?}
{588}{}{Oh. Well, I was just curious about him. Good day.}
{589}{lyn092}{You, too? A Citizen is free to his own beliefs, but this...THIS! Perhaps you are incapable of handling the responsibility of Citizenship!}
{590}{}{Whoa...sorry! Look, nevermind...I had some other questions I wanted to ask you...}
{591}{}{If it means agreeing blindly with you, then maybe YOU'RE the one incapable of handling the responsibility of Citizenship.}
{592}{}{Thomas Moore is a Citizen, and he is the leader of this movement.}
{593}{}{This is a new era, it is time for change.}
{594}{}{I'm sorry you feel this way. Bye.}
{595}{lyn093}{No. He is not a TRUE Citizen...not anymore. When he came to us two years ago, he seemed everything we would want in a Citizen. But just a year later he...changed. He turned against us.}
{596}{}{You know, that would explain a few things. Moore was probably just playing a role for a while.}
{597}{}{Maybe it's time for a change.}
{598}{}{I'm sorry you don't consider Moore a "true" Citizen. Maybe you should examine what it means to be a Citizen.}
{599}{}{Maybe he just saw the light. Good day.}
{600}{lyn094}{We have prospered in this world where so many others have failed, and you tell me we need to change? Look at the outside world! Anarchy, depravity, sickness...Vault City is a paradise!}
{601}{}{That's exactly WHY a change is necessary. You should share your accomplishments with others.}
{602}{}{It's a paradise for some people, maybe. I think your slaves would disagree.}
{603}{}{I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Goodbye.}
{604}{lyn095}{Vault City was built through the hard work and suffering of many Citizens. The outside world should look to our example and follow it, not sit outside our walls and beg for handouts.}
{605}{}{The hard work of Citizens? Everywhere I go in your city, I see the real work being done by slaves.}
{606}{}{I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Goodbye.}
{607}{lyn096}{Why do we condone slavery? The system has been in place for many years, and it works quite well. Both parties benefit from the institution.}
{608}{}{I see. Can I ask you another question?}
{609}{}{I'm sure your slaves would disagree.}
{610}{}{ buy and sell human beings like brahmin. Doesn't keeping slaves bother you?}
{611}{}{I've heard enough. Goodbye.}
{612}{}{Thanks for your time, First Citizen. Good day.}
{613}{lyn097}{They are not slaves, they are our "servants." We have given them homes, food, clothing, and a purpose. We have given them a life.}
{614}{}{Sure. Why be free when they could be laboring for you?}
{615}{}{Look, no matter what sweet-sounding words you use to cover the stink, it's still slavery.}
{616}{}{Uh...sure. Look, I had some other questions...}
{617}{}{I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Goodbye.}
{618}{}{Hmmmm. I hadn't considered it that way before. I'll have to go think about this.}
{619}{lyn098}{Your hypocrisy is quite remarkable. You have the mark of the Slaver's Guild, yet you disagree with slavery.}
{620}{}{I don't disagree with slavery, I'm just pointing out they do all the real work around here.}
{621}{}{Look, I got the mark only to get some information...I'm no slaver.}
{622}{}{I was young...I needed the money...}
{623}{}{I'm not going to argue this with you anymore. Goodbye.}
{624}{lyn099}{What do you mean?}
{625}{}{Moore's actually working for the New California Republic.}
{626}{}{Nevermind. I had some other questions...}
{627}{}{Nothing. I have to be going. Goodbye.}
{628}{}{Nothing. I misspoke. Good day, First Citizen.}
{629}{lyn100}{Kill him?! Murder is not in any way, shape, or form permitted in Vault City
-- even if for the best. Never speak of this again.}
{630}{}{Understood. Can I ask you some other questions?}
{631}{}{Look, 'murder' is such an ugly word. I could arrange some sort of accident. . . a drug overdose, mauled by a brahmin...any of a number of things can happen in this dangerous world.}
{632}{}{All right. I'm leaving.}
{633}{}{Very well, First Citizen. Good day.}
{634}{lyn101}{This is not conduct of a Citizen! I am revoking your Citizenship. My guards will show you to the front gate.}
{635}{}{Your guards won't get here in time to save your life..."First Citizen."}
{636}{}{No need for the guards. I'll leave peacefully.}
{637}{lyn102}{Although it would serve Vault City's interests, I can' long as he breaks no laws, Moore is permitted to say anything he wants.}
{638}{}{Do you want me to...take care of him?}
{639}{}{Oh, but he has. You see, Moore isn't just a Citizen... he's been looking out for someone else's interests.}
{640}{}{Can I ask you another question?}
{641}{}{Well, he'll probably bury himself at the rate he's going. Talk to you later.}
{642}{}{I understand. Well, thanks for your time, First Citizen.}
{643}{lyn103}{A spy for NCR? That...that...would explain a great many things. Thank you, Citizen. I will deal with this immediately.}
{644}{}{I had some other questions...}
{645}{}{Great, thanks. Goodbye.}
{646}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{647}{lyn104}{They started several months ago. The laser turrets have been able to hold them off, but I don't know how much longer we can stop them.}
{648}{}{Who are these raiders?}
{649}{}{I had some other questions...}
{650}{}{I have to be going. Goodbye.}
{651}{}{I'm sorry to hear that; perhaps they will go elsewhere in search of easier targets. Good day, First Citizen.}
{652}{lyn105}{Outsider trash. For over a century, Outsiders have tried to loot our city... and have always failed. Eventually, we will defeat this group.}
{653}{}{Uh..."eventually?" Why haven't you wiped them out already?}
{654}{}{Can I ask you another question?}
{655}{}{I have to be going. Goodbye.}
{656}{}{I have to go. Good day, First Citizen.}
{657}{lyn106}{Finding their base has proven difficult. In addition, this also have a great deal of firepower. Nevertheless, we have repelled every attack... with minimal casualties.}
{658}{}{Can I ask you another question?}
{659}{}{I have to be going. Goodbye.}
{660}{}{Thanks for your time. Good day, First Citizen.}
{661}{lyn107}{What is it? }
{662}{}{I found their base. They're holed up in a series of caves in the foothills to the South.}
{663}{}{I wiped them out. They were holed up in a series of caves in the foothills to the South.}
{664}{}{Information has its price.}
{665}{}{Nevermind. I have to be going.}
{666}{lyn108}{You have? Excellent! But the city guards are already stretched thin ...What about you? Could you end the attacks? I'll pay you.}
{667}{}{No, I'm too busy at the moment.}
{668}{}{I'll see what I can do.}
{669}{lyn109}{Very well. If you'll excuse me, I am also very busy. You can find your own way out.}
{670}{}{I had some other questions I wanted to ask you first...}
{671}{}{All right, I'm leaving.}
{672}{}{Very well. Good day, First Citizen.}
{673}{lyn110a}{Mercenaries? Who hired them?}
{674}{lyn110b}{Yes, I believe you mentioned that before. Do you know who hired them?}
{675}{}{I'm betting it was the Bishop Family in New Reno. }
{676}{}{The Bishop Family in New Reno.}
{677}{}{I'm not sure yet. I'm still looking into it.}
{678}{lyn111a}{What?! How do you know this? What evidence do you have?}
{679}{lyn111b}{Do you have any evidence?}
{680}{}{I don't have any actual proof, but word in New Reno is that the Bishops are behind it.}
{681}{}{I found this account book in the raiders' safe listing payments from Bishop for a three month campaign of terror against your city...uh, with options for one-month extensions if you were stubborn.}
{682}{}{I don't really have any hard evidence. I'm still working on it. }
{683}{lyn112}{I would not be surprised. Bishop visited Vault City not long ago, and suggested an alliance. I refused, of course. We don't associate with criminals.}
{684}{}{Maybe this was his way of forcing you into an alliance.}
{685}{lyn113}{I would sooner ask NCR for help. If you come across any hard evidence of Bishop's involvement, please bring it to me at once.}
{686}{}{Fair enough. I had some other questions...}
{687}{}{If I find out anything, I'll let you know.}
{688}{}{I will, First Citizen. Good day.}
{689}{lyn114}{I'm not surprised. Bishop visited not long ago and suggested an alliance. I refused, of course. We don't associate with criminals.}
{690}{}{I think he expected that. I found this holodisc in Bishop's safe. HE was hired by NCR to get Vault City to join the Republic. When you refused his offer, he hired the mercenaries to attack you so you would ask NCR for help.}
{691}{}{Maybe this was his way of forcing you into an alliance.}
{692}{lyn115}{Possibly...but it would never work. I would sooner ask NCR for help. You have done Vault City a great service. Please take this as a token of our appreciation.}
{693}{}{Thanks. I had some other questions...}
{694}{}{If I hear anything more, I'll let you know.}
{695}{}{My pleasure, First Citizen. Good day.}
{696}{lyn116}{Of course. They sent mercenaries to murder my people because I wouldn't join their government? I...I can barely believe it.}
{697}{}{It gets even more complicated. Thomas Moore is also involved.}
{698}{}{Is there anything I could do to help?}
{699}{}{It's a rough world. Anyway, about compens -- }
{700}{lyn117}{This is not the conduct of a Citizen. But I need this information. What is your price?}
{705}{}{Nevermind. I'll tell you the information I have for free.}
{706}{lyn118}{Very well, here is your money. Now tell me what you know.}
{707}{}{I found their base. They're holed up in a series of caves in the foothills to the South.}
{708}{}{I wiped them out. They were holed up in a series of caves in the foothills to the South.}
{709}{}{Actually, I don't really know much of anything.}
{710}{}{Thanks for the cash. I have to be going now.}
{711}{lyn119}{I need you to go immediately to New California Republic and find Counselor Westin, Roger Westin. Give him the holo disk. That should insure that no more "raiders" get hired.}
{712}{}{Uh...didn't you hear? Westin's dead. I mean, he had an accident. A deadly one. It's a long story.}
{713}{}{Wait a minute. Go to NCR? Weren't they responsible for all this?}
{714}{}{All right, I'll do it. }
{715}{}{No thanks. I'm too busy as it is.}
{716}{lyn120}{Roger Westin was probably the only honest man in the New Republic and a sympathetic to our cause...his death is a terrible loss.}
{717}{}{Yeah, he was a tough old fella. Good guy. Lot of hit points. So... do I still get a reward for finding all this information out for you, or...?}
{718}{}{Yeah, I was sorry to hear about it, too. It was like I just saw him yesterday.}
{719}{lyn121a}{I recall already paying you for information regarding these "raiders." You have been compensated. Now leave.}
{720}{lyn121b}{Yes, have done very well. Please...take this as a reward.}
{721}{}{No reward?! Finding out all this political bullshit was no easy task. I think I deserve something extra, don't you?!}
{722}{}{Hold on, I'm not done yet. I had some other questions...}
{723}{}{All right, I'm leaving.}
{724}{}{Thanks. I had some other questions...}
{725}{}{Great! Thanks...I better be going now.}
{726}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{727}{lyn122}{Roger Westin is probably the only honest man in the New Republic and sympathetic to our cause. }
{728}{}{All right, I'll deliver the disk to him.}
{729}{}{No thanks. I'm too busy right now.}
{730}{lyn123}{Your patriotism will not go unrewarded. Now make haste. Time is of the essence.}
{731}{}{Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{732}{}{I'm on it.}
{733}{}{You can count on me, First Citizen. I'll return after I have delivered the disk to Westin.}
{734}{lyn124}{Nevertheless, Vault City will prevail. You have performed a valuable service... please accept this token of our appreciation.}
{735}{}{Thanks. I had some other questions...}
{736}{}{Great! Thanks...I better be going now.}
{737}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{738}{lyn125}{Have you delivered it?}
{739}{}{No. I was wondering, what is the reward you spoke of?}
{740}{}{No, I'm too busy to deliver the disk.}
{741}{}{No, not yet. But I had some questions...}
{742}{}{I delivered the disk to Counselor Westin.}
{743}{}{Not yet. I'll be back when I do.}
{744}{}{Not yet, First Citizen. I'll return when I've delivered it to Westin.}
{745}{lyn126}{You will?! Excellent! Take the disk you got from Bishop and hurry. Time is of the essence.}
{746}{}{Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{747}{}{I'm on it.}
{748}{}{You can count on me, First Citizen. I'll return after I have delivered the disk to Westin.}
{749}{lyn127}{Believe me, you will not be disappointed. Now please deliver that Holo Disk.}
{750}{}{Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{751}{}{All right. I'm on it.}
{752}{}{You can count on me, First Citizen. I'll return after I have delivered the disk to Westin.}
{753}{lyn128}{I can see that our agreement meant nothing to you. Very well then; your Vault City privileges are revoked. My guards will escort you to the front gate.}
{754}{}{I'll kill those guards...after I kill you.}
{755}{}{OK! Here, take the disk, and I'll go. }
{756}{lyn129}{Thank you! You have done a great service! Did Westin send back correspondence?}
{757}{}{Yes, I'm starting to feel like the Postman. Here, he wanted me to give you this disk.}
{758}{}{No, I lost it.}
{759}{}{No, he never gave me one.}
{760}{lyn130a}{Excellent. Let me scan this.}
{761}{}{Fade out 3 seconds}
{762}{lyn130b}{We will not have problems with NCR for a very long time. }
{763}{}{That's good news.}
{764}{lyn131}{Now...regarding payment: Report to Randal, the Chief Amenities Officer. Tell him I sent you, and he will present you with your reward. Thank you again. }
{765}{}{Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{766}{}{All right. Reward, here I come.}
{767}{}{Thank you, First Citizen. Good day.}
{768}{lyn132}{Your service has been exemplary. So much so that it is my honor to name you Captain of the Guard. Congratulations, Captain. You deserve it.}
{770}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{771}{lyn133}{In addition, report to Randal, the Chief Amenities Officer. Tell him I sent you, and recieve your reward. We are in your debt...Captain.}
{772}{}{Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{773}{}{All right. Reward, here I come!}
{774}{}{Thank you, First Citizen. Good day.}
{775}{lyn134}{You lost it?! That correspondence was extremely important! Very's your payment for delivery of the disk. Now, if you'll excuse me... }
{776}{}{Hold on a minute. Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{777}{}{See you later.}
{778}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{779}{lyn135}{He didn't give you anything? any event, here's your payment for delivering the disk. Now, if you'll excuse me...}
{780}{}{Hold on a minute. Before I go, I had some other questions...}
{781}{}{See you later.}
{782}{}{Good day, First Citizen.}
{783}{lyn136}{What is it?}
{784}{}{I found this holodisc in Bishop's safe. HE was hired by NCR to get Vault City to join the Republic. When you refused his initial offer, he hired the mercenaries to attack you so you would ask NCR for help.}
{785}{lyn099}{What do you mean?}
{786}{}{Moore's actually working for the New California Republic.}
{787}{lyn138}{A spy for NCR? That... that...would explain a great many things. Thank you for exposing this, Citizen. THAT problem I can take care of immediately.}
{788}{}{About the NCR there anything I could do to help?}
{789}{}{That's good to hear. Anyway, for finding out all that stuff about Reno and NCR, I was wondering if there was a rew -- }

# Generic line from 790 to 846 are not used. If this changes, we will need to do the lip-syncing and attach voc files.

{791}{}{Please go see the Proconsul. He will have what you need.}
{792}{}{Please go see Senior Councilman McClure. He will have what you need.}
{793}{}{Please go see my assistant. He will have what you need.}
{802}{}{To the North}
{803}{}{To the South}
{804}{}{To the East}
{805}{}{To the West}
{806}{}{To the Northwest}
{807}{}{To the Northeast}
{808}{}{To the Southwest}
{809}{}{To the Southeast}
{810}{}{I don't want that.}
{811}{}{Thank you.}
{812}{}{Thanks for your time.}
{814}{}{I love Scott Rodenhiser.}
{815}{}{My little dreadlocks are cute.}
{816}{}{T-Ray thinks a little toooo highly of himself.}
{817}{}{This is good news.}
{818}{}{Very well.}
{819}{}{Good day.}
{820}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{821}{}{I'll take that.}
{822}{}{Give me that.}
{823}{}{I don't know anything about that.}
{824}{}{I don't know.}
{828}{}{Of course.}
{833}{}{Explain to me again why Fallout 2 doesn't have any black hero models?}
{834}{}{Vault City prevails. }
{835}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{836}{}{Oh, boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!}
{839}{}{Outsider filth...}
{842}{}{What is contained on the disk should put a stop to them; the raiders have been exposed, and if the contents of the disk were to get out to NCR's outer districts they would never be trusted again.}
{843}{}{My sources at Gecko assure me that there are still ghouls within the city. Your Citizenship depends on resolving this situation...completely. Am I making myself clear?}
{844}{}{Sorry, thought I'd killed them all.}
{845}{}{That's a good start, but our ground water is still being contaminated. You need to disable their plant.}
{846}{}{That does help, but that doesn't stop our primary problem: the contamination of the groundwater. You need to stop the plant from leaking radiation.}

# End of Unused Dialog

{847}{}{The Elder of my village gave me a water flask, but I don't have it with me. Still, the stories the Elder told us said that my ancestor was from a Vault.}
{848}{}{You mean the ghouls? Yeah, I found out what's wrong with their plant.}
{849}{}{The plant needs a hydro-magnet, uh, thingie to make it work. The ghouls said you had one here, so I just need that, and they can make the plant clean.}
{850}{}{They need a hydroelectric magnetosphere regulator to fix the plant and prevent it from polluting the groundwater. They claim you have one here in Vault City. So if I could get the part...}
{851}{}{Nevermind. We can talk about this some other time.}
{852}{lyn047b}{What if we do? That is only a temporary solution.}
{853}{}{Uh, well, I don't know the specifics, but it sounds like the magneto-thingie could help both Gecko and Vault City. Can I get the part?}
{854}{}{Actually, the regulator could make the plant run clean for many years. So if I could just get the part...?}
{855}{}{Nevermind. Maybe I can find someone else to help me.}
{856}{}{You are correct, First Citizen. I'll see what I can do to handle this problem on my own.}
{857}{}{I don't think I understand. Is there some problem with Gecko... or the ghouls?}
{858}{}{First Citizen, please hear me out... is there some problem with getting the part? It could solve your problems with Gecko and help the ghouls, too...}
{859}{}{Nevermind. Maybe I can find someone else to help me.}
{860}{}{Sorry for disturbing you, First Citizen.}
{861}{}{They aren't trying to hurt anyone. They just don't have the part they need to make the plant run cleanly. So, if you could please GIVE me the part...}
{862}{}{Nevermind. Maybe I can find someone else to help me.}
{863}{}{Very well. Sorry to disturb you, First Citizen.}
{864}{lyn017b}{You barge into my chambers and then have the audacity to make demands of ME, Lynette, First Citizen of Vault City?!}
{865}{lyn041c}{Now leave at once, or I shall call the guards.}
{866}{}{That does it. You're in bad need of a painful lesson.}
{867}{}{Nevermind. Maybe I can find someone else to help me.}
{868}{}{Sorry for disturbing you, First Citizen.}
{869}{}{I need a part to fix the Gecko power plant.}
{870}{}{You delivered Westin's holodisk to Lynette.}
{871}{}{You delivered Westin's holodisk to Lynette and became Captain of the Guard.}
{872}{}{You have wiped out the raiders and helped Vault City.}
{873}{}{You have exposed Moore as a spy for NCR.}
{874}{}{You have proven that Bishop hired the raiders.}
{875}{}{You have proven that Bishop was hired by NCR.}
{876}{}{I'm in need of one to save my --}
{877}{}{Hold on a second --}
{878}{}{Forget this. I'm leaving.}
{879}{}{It seems like I'm wasting my time with you as well. Maybe you'd better go fetch someone who CAN help me.}
{880}{}{Sorry to bother you, then. Goodbye.}
{881}{}{That's good to hear. So...?}
{882}{}{Thank you, First Citizen.}
{883}{}{Uh, it was my mistake... I didn't mean to say --}
{884}{}{My apologizes, First Citizen. I --}


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