• 6.6.2015 . . . Pojďme se ještě chvíli hnípat v traileru
Autor: Chekotay | 
Komentuj novinku (8) | 
Tagy: Fallout 4
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Tenhle obrázek znázorňující prohřešky Falloutu 4 proti dnešním grafickýcm standardům je tak pěkný, že si zaslouží vytáhnout z komentářů rovnou na front. (Na stejný obrázek se můžete dívat i jinak.) Šel jsem se mrknout na DA, jestli už někdo nenamaloval nějaký hezký obrázek vycházející z filmečku - no, něco by se našlo, také si lidé hrají s logy hry a máme už i bostonského Vault boye. Mixem loga a screenshotu vznikl i docela hezký wallpaper. (A vznikly samozřejmě i vyloženě špatné věci.)
A zatímco my tady hnidopišsky komentujeme kdejakou zasranou vzducholoď prostě, zbytek světa se veze na vlně úžasného nadšení:
- I'm personally quite a big fan of the new art style, I think it harkens
back to the original look that Fallout 1 and 2 had going.
- It's coming omg! Our waiting is over but yet again. Xbox one remember that we hate the Xbox one
- I've never been so erect
- I am quite happy about this. looks colourful, also doggie yay.
- So excited and yet I want more! I think it might be time to dust off
fallout 3 so as to get ready. Check out the trailer it is
- we have bin dying for it an it has come to use at last!
u dont know how long iv waited, or mybe u feel the same way. i played fallout 3 an new vegas an all there dlc into the ground.
i can say there one of my fav games of all time!
game to add to my wishlist! It's not out yet, but it does have a page on
Steam, and you can pre-order it for 70 dollahs. Wait. Seventy dollars?
Holy macaroni and cheese that's a lot of money.
- I never played the first two or New Vegas, but I played Fallout 3 at a
friend's house as much as I could. I never finished the storyline or
even near all of the side quests, and even if this is a trailer to hype a
game people have been waiting seven years for, it looks so very
promising. And that soundtrack makes me want to save the universe.
Kdybych byl textař na F4, tak tam tyhle hlášky někam narvu, aby se to pak valilo na lidi ze všech stran. Zaujaly mne i hlubší rozbory:
So. Iv been sick all day. And I found about this Yesterday. And I
thought I would give everyone my honest opinion on the trailer.
So I
am honestly excited as fuck for this game. Iv been waiting since the
release of fallout new Vegas for this game. And the trailer showed me
everything I Love about the other fallout games.
I also believe they are putting more detail onto the dogs story. The dog might have more importance in the story.
Valut 111. Its an new looking vault. and it seems the character is coming from this vault like fallout 3.
Flying contraptions. It seems we will be able to fly in this game which is always good.*)
Old classic music. Was always a plus in fallout.
Possible prewar shit. Maybe will be able to see things before the war. **)
Deathclaws. I literally love deathclaws and when i saw the deathclaw i freaked so yay. ***)
Graphics. Fallout 4 looks likes its gonna have better graphics then the other games. So thats good
*) Jak píše Feidias v komentech: "na obloze je letadlo - zřejmě budeme létat letadly". 
**) "Possible prewar shit" nedá spát vícero lidem:
And lastly, my theory.
In the trailer, it constantly swapped from
Present Day to Past in the beginning sequence, and with rumours or
something stating that you begin in cryogenic storage, there is a chance
that you, the player character, is a person from the pre-war world,
meaning that you may hallucinate or have visions of the pre-war world
throughout the game.
Pocit, že mám halucinace, jsem měl z traileru také...
***) A zdá se, že nejenom "doggie yay", ale také "deathclaw yay". Prostě lidi
mají rádi štěňátka a tak by Fallout 6 mohla být už rovnou kompletně ve
furry. Jo počkat. To by napřed musel někdo vzít tu plechovou obálku,
kterou mají na sobě modely postav, a zkusit na ní rozkreslit chlupy. Aby
třeba hlavní postava traileru zase nevypadala, že je plastová a natřená
Am I the only person who's excited as hell for this but thought the
trailer looked...kind of "plastic-y"? Like there some lack of detail and
texture which the previous games had? I mean...it just...
It was
presented well, I'll give them that. But it just looks...odd...and not
in a good way for me. I really hope the actual game looks better than
this...looks almost like vinyl figurines.
Mimochodem, v F1 byl Dogmeat, pokud se nepletu, popsán jako směska všeho možného, a tady je nám představen zdravý čistokrevný německý ovček.
Nic. Dáme si nukakofolu na osvěžení a zkusíme přečkat těch pár parných dní do E3.
(P.S.: Udělal jsem více dvojitých odstavce, je to teď lepší? )
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© JaW & Ratman & petruschka & Chekotay & Jay Kowalski & Daemon & Harley & Ještěr & Deimos & smejki 2001-2077
V grafickém zpracování jsou použity materiály z her: Fallout, Fallout 2 a Fallout Tactics © Interplay, Fallout 3 © Bethesda,
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